What to wear to class
If you are looking for one place where you will see a variety of fashion styles and tastes, then universities are where you should be. Not only is this a place of learning, but discovery. Most young adults you will find there are in a process of discovering themselves and ways to express themselves-fashion being a popular medium to do this.
Young adults are daring and not scared to push the envelope where fashion is concerned. Let’s look at berets for example. In Mzansi these were commonly worn by our mothers when they were putting together their Sunday best for church. This iconic piece has changed how it’s worn and has become integrated into street wear by the now “cool kids”.
For the ladies, earrings are a good and easy way to make a statement. If your earrings are bold, it’s best if you keep your outfit neutral so that the earring takes centre stage.
If you are more into the laid back comfortable look, then Samson’s university sweater line is the best option for you. The sweaters complete the outfit which mean you can get away with pairing them with just jeans or joggers. Our favourite is the printer logo crew sweater because of its’ comfortable fit and bold colour.
Try one out for yourself today and be campus ready today. Visit our website on https://www.samson-sa.co.za/ and pick your favourite today.